Hip Dysplasia Dog Parents:
Where Are YOU And YOUR Dog On The Way To Hip Dysplasia Success?
(Take this FREE assessment and you will get AMAZING advice on the next BEST step for your dog.)
Services For You By Canine Rehab Hub
Check out our courses, membership, and one-on-one virtual consultations for you and your dog!

Hi, I'm Julie!
I help dogs with HIP DYSPLASIA avoid surgery, get strong, feel great, and live long, happy lives, by educating and empowering dog parents around the globe via virtual consulting, online courses, and a membership program.
What Dog Parents Are Saying…
>> TIP: You can click on the dots at the bottom of this section to see the next testimonial – or swipe left if you are on a touch screen device. <<
Julie is so knowledgeable and just fantastic at analyzing each individual dog's needs. The difference between working with Julie vs trying to implement general strategies you read on the internet has been a total game changer!! We now have the best home program customized for Ryker. It has been so beneficial, I don't even remember the last time we used pain meds!
I can't tell you how much finding Julie has changed our lives. When I first heard my pup Ryker had moderate/severe HD, I was devastated. I pictured either expensive surgery or a sad limping pup restricted from everything fun. Julie not only gave me hope but she gave me a vision for my guy having the BEST life. With her guidance and resources, Ryker is like a new dog and I am a super educated HD dog mom. We owe Julie everything!

The experience and knowledge that Julie is willing to share with us and so many other dog parents with HD has been beyond worth learning. I know our Willow would not be doing as great as she is without Julie's help. We are very thankful for all she has done for our Willow who is now 2 years old and she is thriving!

But you can trust what Julie says - she was right! We’re kicking HD’s butt as we progress her home program!”
(Since writing this, Hilde has now surpassed 10 miles and has done a 12 mile hike with her family!)

Julie’s experience and knowledge in canine physical therapy has been instrumental in helping us find the proper diagnosis and treatment and has given my dog back his quality of life!

You won’t regret it!!"

Since taking the “success program,” my girl has been able to do the things we both love with ease. And we are back to enjoying our lives and our dog.

Julie provided me with viable options! Ways to get him stronger and live with it and still have an amazing life - which he has! He is stronger than ever and it is because of Julie’s knowledge, patience, and skills.

I was feeling sad & defeated upon my rescuing my 10 year young doodle with severe hip dysplasia & arthritis. Going through the “Sanity-Saving” course proved the exact opposite of those negative feelings. POSITIVE mindset is key.
In the Success Program, we learned so much about hip dysplasia, how to evaluate my dog, stretching, exercises, and tons more to help Biscuit live her best HD life."

Hip Dysplasia Opportunities For You...
Check out our current and upcoming courses, AND our “THRIVE with Hip Dysplasia” Membership
Membership For Hip Dysplasia Dog Parents...

If you have a dog with hip dysplasia and you want to treat it with "conservative management" (aka - no surgery!), then this is THE place for you to hang out and learn from the leading expert on conservative management for hip dysplasia!
Available Courses For Hip Dysplasia Dog Parents...

You can discover what people are saying about “Your ‘Sanity-Saving’ Track To Getting Started With Hip Dysplasia” and find out more details by clicking the button below!

Discover more about the "Happy At Home" Hip Dysplasia Course by clicking the button below!

If you need to figure out which treatment path is best for you and your dog, then this is the course for you!
Download One of My Super Helpful Free Guides
To Arm You & Empower You As a Dog Parent...

The Nuts and Bolts of
Hip Dysplasia
Must-Know Information For All Dog Parents… To Ease Your Mind And Empower You!

Detecting Subtle Signs Of Pain Long Before Your Dog Will Tell You
And How This May Drastically
Improve Your Dog’s Life

The 7 Injury Prevention Tips For Your Dogs
With Simple Solutions That Will Make You Feel Empowered and Confident